I Was Wondering… Is It Cheaper to Lay Concrete or Pavers?

Congratulations! You have decided to take the plunge and get some pavers installed for your property. You have probably already decided if it was going to be for your driveway, patio, pool, etc., now you just need to decide if it is going to be concrete or pavers. This is certainly something to think about and it is a good idea to do some research on it before jumping into a decision. If you are just wondering in terms of price… I suggest you don’t. There is more to pavers than just price. The paver should definitely be cost-effective for you, but it should also be something that is effective. If a paver is slippery, just because it costs less doesn’t mean you should have it by the pool, get me?

Alright, so like I said above, both options will give different benefits depending on what you need them for. Concrete that is poured is more often used for the outdoors as it is quite easy to install and is often a more cost-effective option. Not to mention, concrete can be personalized. With the various textures and designs, you can make your concrete truly your own!

top paver installation near tampa fl
Pavers are single sections that are composed of different materials such as concrete, brick, and even natural stone. The joy of paving stone is that a majority of these pieces interlock which makes nice flexibility and some extremely durable pavers! Even knowing the differences, choosing one can still be quite difficult. So, get ready for even more information!

If you are thinking about price, (which I assume you are based on the title of this article), stamped concrete will cost you the same if not more than pavers a majority of the time. Now, you might be wondering what stamped concrete is. Well, it is concrete that replicates stones such as slate, brick, tile, or even wood! There are various colors and patterns so if this sounds good to you, consider it. Just remember, price-wise, it’s about the same if not more than pavers.

Standard concrete slabs on the other hand are typically cheaper per square foot than pavers, but the downside is that while it is more cost-effective in the beginning, the price for repairs and sometimes even replacement will have you wondering if it was ever cost-effective, to begin with.

When it comes to pavers, there is really no set price. The price changes depending on the type of material, the company you have doing it, and of course how much of the material you need. Paver stones need to be prepared a lot more than concrete slabs which makes the installation more laborious. With excavation, sub-base compaction, grading, base preparation, cutting the borders, and many more steps, installing paving stone is a more intensive task.

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A good thing to note though is that there is no curing time. This means that if there are any issues, the pavers can be easily removed and readjusted! Price-wise, don’t expect to pay any less than $15 a square foot if you want a quality paving stone. 

Now, it’s time for you to decide. Which is more cost-effective for you? Concrete or Pavers? At the end of the day, it really does just depend on your needs. I’ll try to make it a little easier for you though: would you prefer to pay a large amount upfront, or are you willing to pay a normal amount but then have to continually pay for repairs and/or replacement? Paving installation in Tampa, FL is the best for you.

Tampa Pavers Group
11307 N 50th St Unit 6, Tampa FL, 33620